‘Bluey’ returns to Disney+ for another season
Category: Television and Streaming
The adorable animated kids show Bluey is back. This cute show follows the six-year-old puppy Bluey and her sister Bingo, their parents and friends as they discover new things and have fun doing so.
What makes this show so good for kids are the relationships between siblings, parents, and friends. For instance, in the episode “Cricket” all the kids and dads join together to play a game. Note: Bluey is an Australian show where Cricket is popular. The dads get frustrated when they cannot get little Rusty out. He is so good. After all, he has spent most of his spare time practicing. He finally decides to let his little sister win, even though he knows he could keep going for a long time. But seeing the joy on her face when she caught the ball was worth ending the game. The sibling bond comes through in this episode, as does the lesson of perseverance. Little Rusty has not given up his quest to be a good cricket player and his perseverance practicing pays off. He is not a quitter. But more important to him than winning is his sister.
In another episode this season, “Relax”, the whole family goes on vacation. Mom is anxious to get to the beach to unwind but Bluey and Bingo find too many fun things in their hotel room to entice them out to the beach. They love the big bathtub with lots of gadgets, and all the other cool things in the hotel room. It’s all new to them and their relaxation is playing with all the new things and discovering what they can do. So much for a peaceful day at the beach. Getting these two out of the room is not going to happen. It’s fun to see how much fun they have together while exploring a plain old hotel room.
And in yet another episode this season, “Cubby,” the siblings decide to build a fun house for their stuffed toy Kimjim. They take over their whole house constructing a stable and plenty of rooms using everyday objects. The family’s house turns into an extravagant locale for little Kimjim. This episode shows how much fun the siblings can have using their imaginations and playing together.
Bluey emphasizes creativity, family love, sibling companionship, and just the love of life. It’s a good show for kids – and parents – to watch. Sisters Bluey and Bingo (Australian cattle dogs) and their parents Bandit and Chilli provide adorable vignettes (episodes). They’re short enough to keep the attention of tiny viewers but long enough to enjoy and see the love they have for each other. Family bond is the name of the game, or I should say, the name of the show. Well, actually it’s Bluey, but you get the idea.
For more about Bluey and her family and friends, games, recipes, and crafts, check out the Bluey website.
Season three along with the previous seasons are available on Disney+. This show has heart, family love, and plenty of humor.
About the Author
Francine Brokaw has been covering all aspects of the entertainment industry for over 30 years. She also writes about products and travel. She has been published in national and international newspapers and magazines as well as Internet websites. She has written her own book, Beyond the Red Carpet The World of Entertainment Journalists, is the entertainment correspondent for Good Day Orange County, and has her own TV show, Beyond the Red Carpet, on Village Television in Orange County. She is a longstanding member of the Television Critics Association and is accredited by the MPAA.
images courtesy Disney+