Calm your kiddies (and yourself) with relaxing music

Category: Books and Music

The new album from Jenn Cleary is filled with relaxing songs to unwind after a day of sun and play. Dreamland: Relax & Imagine is a good way for kids – and adults – to slow down, breathe, and just unwind.

“In a world full of disturbing news, growing up today can be extra hard for our children,” says Jenn Cleary. “Between media overload, COVID-19, divided politics, climate change, and wars, many children are challenged with feelings of anxiety. So, I decided to try to address this issue by creating songs that bring a degree of peace and relaxation. As I’ve done with many of my previous kids’ tunes, I’ve infused them with positive messaging and a bit of education, and I’ve also focused on making the songs enjoyable for grownups. I hope families will take a centering breath and listen together to these calming songs. Let’s not forget the simple joys and beauty that surround us all.”

There are 10 tracks on the album, each one is smooth and calming. The album’s final track, “Guided Relaxation with Jenn Cleary,” features her gently leading listeners through a peaceful relaxation exercise that’s set to soothing background music. Designed to help children unwind and find inner calm, this guided session creates a serene atmosphere that encourages a sense of well-being. It is a nice way to end a day, even if the day has been filled with fun and play or a full day at school. It helps calm the senses and bring peace to the end of the day.

With soft vocals and music, all the tracks are easy-listening and take listeners to a calming place in their minds. Youngsters often get overwhelmed with the outside world. They can also be hyped up from all the day’s activities. Listening to these tracks while getting ready to sleep might be just what they need to have a peaceful night’s rest.

Adults can also benefit from listening to this album at the end of the day – or even in the middle of the day if you are stressed with everything around you and need a peaceful break.

The tracks are:
1 Celtic Dream
2 Sail Away
3 Rocking Chair to the Stars
4 Smile
5 Relax on an Island
6 Clouds
7 Slow Blues Wind Down
8 Dreamland
9 Soothing Rain
10 Guided Relaxation with Jenn Cleary

Even the song titles are relaxing!

Dreamland: Relax & Imagine will be available on all major streaming services. CDs will also be available at Jenn Cleary’s live shows and through her website.

  • Dreamland: Relax & Imagine  
  • Release date: August 9, 2024
  • Label: Jenn Cleary Music LLC
  • Geared for ages 3 – 10 (but don’t forget adults too!)
  • Run time: 46 minutes

About the Author

Francine Brokaw has been covering all aspects of the entertainment industry for over 30 years. She also writes about products and travel. She has been published in national and international newspapers and magazines as well as Internet websites. She has written her own book, Beyond the Red Carpet The World of Entertainment Journalists, is the entertainment correspondent for Good Day Orange County, and has her own TV show, Beyond the Red Carpet, on Village Television in Orange County. She is a longstanding member of the Television Critics Association and is accredited by the MPAA.