‘We Are Not Alone’

Category: Blu-ray's and DVD's

Throughout history people have been fascinated by the idea of extra terrestrials. A couple generations ago people thought that the idea of aliens was pure fiction. The next generation realized that this could definitely be a possibility. And the new generation is being brought up with the fact that yes, there are and have been aliens on Earth. We Are Not Alone is a new documentary about sightings, interactions, and ideas dealing with visitors from other worlds.

Serena DC brings this interesting documentary to DVD and Digital for viewers to understand about alien crafts and existences. She includes conversations with leading ufologists who discuss their experiences and explanations about certain events that have occurred on Earth. After all, Earth is just a teeny, tiny speck in the universe, so why would it be reasonable to believe that this planet is the only one with conscience life?

Military officials have recently admitted to seeing alien crafts, and although “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” “ET,” and other films have peaked our interest in alien existence, it hasn’t been until the past decade when high-level officials have confessed to the fact that yes, this planet has been visited, and is being visited, by other beings.

Is Sasquatch an alien? Some think so. And what about the event in Roswell? Was that made up or covered up? 

There is one theory that the atomic testing in the 1940s opened a window to other worlds and that beings from other planets are trying to stop humans from the horrific and catastrophic consequences of atomic warfare.

So, why we are not exactly sure about why they are here, at least their reasons have not been exposed to the public, there is clear evidence that we are not alone. 

“ET phone home” might not be as far-fetched as we originally thought. Contact with other worlds is happening. 

The documentary will be available on digital and DVD beginning October 3, 2023. 

About the Author

Francine Brokaw has been covering all aspects of the entertainment industry for over 30 years. She also writes about products and travel. She has been published in national and international newspapers and magazines as well as Internet websites. She has written her own book, Beyond the Red Carpet The World of Entertainment Journalists, is the entertainment correspondent for Good Day Orange County, and has her own TV show, Beyond the Red Carpet, on Village Television in Orange County. She is a longstanding member of the Television Critics Association and is accredited by the MPAA. Follow her on Twitter.