Remember The Stars, A Little Zen for the Little Ones

Ages:Newborn to 8 yrs

This story is about a wise boy who receives a lot of love — and worry — from his parents. They worry about his health, his happiness, and everything else. Ultimately, the boy reframes how his parents relate to him, asking them to consider focusing on the present moment instead of worrying about the future.

The message touches upon core Zen concepts of being present and not letting our worries disconnect us from what is truly important. The book’s illustrations juxtapose modern graphics with traditional backgrounds to transpose the old into the new, thus creating an accessible context for deeply meaningful concepts. In today’s world where so many of us are taken away from the present moment by all types of stimuli, a book such as “Remember the Stars (A Little Zen for Little Ones)” helps us put life into a wiser perspective.

Distributed by Small Press United (a subsidiary of Independent Publishers Group); available at bookstores and libraries across the country as well as all major online retailers.