Talk With Your Kids by Michael Parker M.ED.; Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers


Michael Parker, head of the prestigious Cranbook School in Sydney, has taught ethics to children for twenty years and knows that skill is required to help children reason their way through ethical situations and to make the right decisions. But he also knows that these skills can be learned.

In “Talk To Your Kids”: Conversations About Ethics-Honesty, Friendship, Sensitivity, Fairness, Dedication, Individuality, and 103 other things that really matter, Parker guides parents through the process with general techniques to initiate and maintain such conversations, and provides dozens of examples using today’s most pressing issues.  In these uncertain economic times, children feel more pressure than ever before to succeed academically, as well as athletically and socially. In assisting them, parents sometimes feel more like chauffeurs than caregivers. At the same time, kids are spending more time online, where they can be anonymous and unregulated, and parental influence feels even more distant. But parents can help kids navigate the world ethically. In “Talk To Your Kids”, Parker walks parents through the conversational techniques that will ensure open discussion and mutual respect.

The books includes more than 100 topics, ranging from cheating and peer pressure to climate change and eating meat.