Your Heart’s Voice

Ages: | 5 - 18 |
Price: | $9.99-$14.95-$23.95 |
Website: | |
Year: | 2024 |

I began writing my book in 2017 after my second child was born . The idea of writing a children’s book about intuition came to me as I had never seen one before written. I put it down shortly after and picked it back up to continue writing it after my little brother tragically passed away on LI in NY last year at 33 years old. I found writing helped my grieving process . I decided to include him as a character in the book along with dedication to him. My book is about an 11 yr old girl who learns to listen to her heart’s voice ( her intuition) which helps her make good choices. It’s a gentle reminder to people of any age that we all have this gift and to use it wisely in life. It’s also a parenting tool for behavior. I hope it helps others find their heart’s voice.
Available online and at: Amazon - Barnes & Noble - Apple Books