Opalescence Go for Quick Teeth Whitening


If you have 20 minutes you have time to brighten and whiten your teeth. I have been using the Opalescence tooth whitening system at home for years with great results. My routine would be to spread the gel into my personalized tray then sleep with it overnight. It wasn’t the most comfortable night’s sleep but I did this three days (nights) in a row and repeated twice a year. That was sufficient to keep my smile white and bright.

I just discovered their newest system. Opalescence Go is easier and after using it I am pleased with the results.

Instead of having a professional tray made by a dentist, this on-the-go pack includes one-time trays which are already loaded with the whitening gel. There is a two-step process to attach the trays to teeth, then simply leave the tray in place for about 20 minutes before removing the film and brushing your teeth. It’s that simple and it does work for me.

How often you use it depends on you and what you expect from the product. Granted, it won’t make yellow teeth bright white, but it will whiten and brighten them.

As a test I tried this on three different people, myself included. One person started with yellow teeth and only used the product on her lower teeth. When the 20 minutes was up and she brushed her teeth, they were a paler shade of yellow. There was a difference between her upper and lower teeth after just one use.

The second person used it on his whole mouth and although he didn’t have much discoloration to begin with, his teeth were definitely a little lighter after the 20 minutes. Unfortunately, this person ended up with tooth sensitivity for several days after using the product.

I also noticed my teeth were a shade lighter when I used this product. Everyone’s was definitely shinier and brighter after use.

This product is available at dental offices and since many people do experience additional tooth sensitivity when using it or other whitening products, it is important to discuss this with your dentist before deciding if this is the product for you.

If you are watching TV and looking at all the bright white teeth shining back at you, remember that actors often have veneers on all of their teeth to keep them white. They also have plenty of help with their appearance. So don’t expect a Hollywood smile unless you are prepared to pay a Hollywood price.

For those of us with realistic expectations and want to whiten our teeth a few shades in a quick and easy manner, not to mention the fact it won’t put us in the poorhouse, Opalescence is something to consider. And with the new Opalescence Go single use trays, you won’t be out the expense of having a professional tray made.

For more information, discuss this with your dental professional. Ask if Opalescence Go is right for you.

About the Author

Francine Brokaw has been covering all aspects of the entertainment business for 20 years. She also writes about technology and has been a travel writer for the past 12 years. She has been published in national and international newspapers and magazines as well as internet websites. She has written her own book, Beyond the Red Carpet The World of Entertainment Journalists, from Sourced Media Books.

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