Music and Audiobooks

3 Spanish Singing Sound Books with English Translations, 8-9 Songs Each
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3 Chinese Singing Sound Books with English Translations, 8-9 Songs Each Book
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Tonies, a world of audio adventures and fun for children
The Toniebox is an imagination-building,...

Splash and Bubbles: Rhythm of the Reef (Songs from Season One)
This new album includes 16 favorite...

I Will Find You No Matter What: The Songs of Luc and Bob Schneider
This new album of original songs...

Princess Cassie and the Fairy Queen
An original "musical storytale" mini-musical for children of all ages. By Sister Productions/Musical Storytales.

Musical Storytales "Denny the Dinosaur, Hear Me Roar!"
An original musical storytale and mini-musical for children by Sister Productions/Musical Storytales. Available online or

Believe In Yourself
Funk music for children and families to help learn positive and educational messages through music.